Battery Anodes USA 2024

Contact Name:
Sean Collins
Filed in:
Things to do near Orange, CA » Conferences » Business


  • Emerging trends in Battery Anode materials for next-generation EVs
    Explore innovative materials such as silicon-based anodes for greater energy density, lithium metal anodes for increased capacity, and solid-state batteries for enhanced safety and longevity.
  • Developing Graphite Supply Chain from mines to Anode production
    Gain insights into the global graphite supply chain, including mining, refining, and production processes to optimize quality and sustainability, meeting the increasing demand for high-performance lithium-ion batteries.
  • Advances in Silicon-Graphite Composites for enhanced cycling stability
    Learn how silicon-graphite composites manage expansion through nanostructuring, utilize advanced binders for electrode integrity, apply surface coatings for durability, and optimize composite ratios to balance silicon's capacity with graphite's stability.
  • Role of Nanotechnology in developing Anode materials for future batteries
    Unlock the potential of nanotechnology to improve anode materials by increasing surface area for enhanced electrolyte interaction, boosting conductivity for faster charging, increasing energy density, and strengthening structural stability to minimize anode degradation
  • Case Studies on Innovative Battery Anode manufacturing processes
    Deliver cutting-edge machinery and scalable production methods to streamline manufacturing processes, ensuring consistent quality standards.
  • Upcoming regulations and safety standards for Battery Anode performance
    Hear from key regulators and classification bodies to ensure compliance with EV battery regulations and industry standards.

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Street Address

100 The City Dr S, Orange, CA 92868, Uni
Orange, CA 92856


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