Deep Sea Mining Summit USA 2024

Contact Name:
Sean Collins
+1 206-582-0128
Filed in:
Things to do near Miami, FL » Conferences » Business

    • The economic landscape and drivers for growth in deep-sea mining
      Understand the key market drivers and growth prospects for the near term. Where are the opportunities?
    • Achieving sustainable seabed mining projects in harmony with nature
      Hear from frontline deep sea ecological experts on the latest techniques to build an environmental impact assessment plan
    • New exploration and mining projects underway; the latest frontline feedback
      Explore new areas of economic value and be the first to hear about the latest methods and results from commercial activities
    • Regional opportunities to harvest Seafloor Massive Sulfides and Manganese Nodules
      Discover the hottest regional opportunities to harvest Seafloor Massive Sulfides and Manganese Nodules from our geological experts
    • Working with nations through a regulatory framework, the opportunities and risks
      Hear from key regulators and develop a cohesive plan to work with the International Seabed Authority and individual nations through the regulatory challenges
    • New technological developments associated with commercializing deep-sea mining
      Be at the cutting edge of technological developments for deep-sea mining and explore diversification opportunities for existing companies involved in subsea applications



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Street Address

Miami,Florida, USA
Miami, FL 33101


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