Donate A Book & Get A Free Bagel at Goldbergs Fine Foods!

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Do you want to help support early childhood literacy and get a free bagel? Throughout August, Goldbergs Fine Foods is partnering with Reach Out & Read Georgia for a month-long book drive!


Each guest that donates new books suitable for children aged newborn to five years old will receive a free bagel with cream cheese! Donations directly benefit Reach Out & Read Georgia and will be donated to hospitals in the Atlanta area and then given to families at their pediatric check-ups.


And there’s more! For an opportunity to win an exclusive prize basket, you contribute a $25 donation here and have the chance to win a prize basket worth $200!


For more information, visit Goldbergs Fine Foods or follow them on social media: @GoldbergsBagels on Facebook and @GoldbergsFineFoods on Instagram.


Contact: Brianne Barbakoff,!

Street Address

Atlanta, GA 30329


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