SDG 16 & Rule of Law: International Challenges and Intergovernmental Concer

Contact Name:
Manoj Kumar Pattanaik
91 84473 60709,
91 84473 60709,
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Things to do near New York, NY » Conferences » Other

Event Description:

The JuristsGlobal International Conference on SDG 16 & Rule of Law: International Challenges and Intergovernmental Concerns is a premier event bringing together legal professionals, scholars, and practitioners from around the world to discuss on the post 2015 agenda of economic growth, environment mitigation, rule of law, and poverty alleviation. Because the global journey from MDGs to SDGs should be a big topic for brainstorming to END EXTREME POVERTY and establish RULE OF LAW to promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies. This conference provides a platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration on topics that shape the future of legal practice.

The conference aims to explore the integral role of the rule of law in achieving sustainable development. SDG 16 emphasizes peace, justice, and strong institutions, highlighting the necessity for legal frameworks that support equitable access to justice for all. Through panel discussions, case studies, and expert presentations, participants will delve into strategies for strengthening judicial systems, reducing corruption, and ensuring inclusive legal processes.

Current international challenges, such as global conflict, migration crises, climate change, and economic disparities, underscore the need for robust legal mechanisms and international cooperation. Governments worldwide are grappling with these issues, seeking solutions that are just and sustainable. The conference will address these concerns, offering a platform for dialogue and collaboration among policymakers, legal experts, and civil society.

Among the various topics, the main topics which will be discussed upon include:

Linking SDG 16 with Other SDGs: SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions) is pivotal to achieving broader sustainable development objectives. It underpins the realization of other SDGs by promoting stable and just societies, like

  • SDG 1 (No Poverty): Establishing strong legal institutions ensures that marginalized communities can access social services and economic opportunities, contributing to the eradication of extreme poverty.
  • SDG 2 (Zero Hunger): Legal frameworks that protect land rights and promote fair agricultural practices are essential for ensuring food security and sustainable agricultural development.
  • SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being): The rule of law supports health equity by safeguarding rights to healthcare and addressing disparities in access to medical services.
  • SDG 4 (Quality Education): Legal systems that enforce the right to education contribute to inclusive and equitable quality education for all.
  • SDG 5 (Gender Equality): Strong legal protections against gender-based violence and discrimination are fundamental to achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls.

Ending Extreme Poverty: Ending extreme poverty remains a primary global challenge. The conference will highlight how legal frameworks and policies can create an enabling environment for economic growth and social inclusion. By protecting property rights, enforcing labor laws, and ensuring access to justice, legal systems play a critical role in lifting people out of poverty. Discussions will focus on innovative legal approaches to address poverty, including social protection measures, equitable resource distribution, and sustainable economic policies.

Join us at the Grand Hyatt, New York City, from October 14-16, 2024, for an engaging and impactful conference. Network with global legal experts, gain insights into the latest legal innovations, and contribute to shaping a just and sustainable future.

Key Highlights:

  • Renowned keynote speakers from the legal industry
  • Panel discussions on cutting-edge legal technologies
  • Workshops and breakout sessions
  • Networking opportunities with global legal experts
  • Presentation of research papers and case studies

Event Details:

Target Audience:

  • Legal professionals (lawyers, judges, paralegals)
  • Professionals from development sectors, NGO chiefs, NGO non-profit workers, policy makers
  • Academics and researchers in the field of law
  • Law students
  • Students from domains like social work, sociology, public policy, public administration, business, development studies, international relations, law and public policy,
  • Legal tech entrepreneurs and innovators
  • Corporate legal departments
  • Ambassadors, country representatives

Contact Information:

Call for Papers:

We invite submissions of research papers and case studies on topics related to legal innovations. Please visit our website for submission guidelines and deadlines.

Social Media Links:

Registration Link:

Participants are encouraged to book their accommodations early. Special rates are available at the Grand Hyatt for conference attendees. For more details, please visit our website

Street Address

109 East 42nd Street, Park Avenue At Gra
New York, NY 10017


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