Reiki training in Houston, Texas

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Reiki classes in Houston for all levels

Reiki is a natural healing modality and easy to lean. Healing Today has provided classes to thousands of students since 1999.

We will present Reiki classes on October 19, 2024 in Houston, Texas.

The training is in traditional Usui Reiki. In the level 1 class the student is taught the basics of Reiki healing including the hand positions to practice on self and others.

The fees to the Reiki classes include handout, attunement, and certificate. The level 1 class is only $95 total. The level 2 class is $105. Each workshop is all inclusive. There will also be a level 3 workshop ($195) on the following day.

Reiki classes in Houston;


Reiki Classes in several cities in the USA

Healing Today Reiki Masters have provided affordable Reiki classes to thousands of students since 1999. Reiki training is offered on a regular basis in several U.S. cities.

Reiki is a natural healing modality and should be available to everyone. We are proud that so many of our former students now use Reiki in their personal and professional lives.

Please visit website to learn more about Reiki and check our current schedule.

Tampa Bay Reiki training;

Charlotte Reiki classes;

Atlanta Reiki classes;

Nashville Reiki classes; 
Dallas Reiki classes;

Orlando Reiki workshops;

Ft. Lauderdale/Miami Reiki training;

Savannah Reiki Classes;

New Orleans Reiki Classes:
Colorado Springs Reiki;
Austin Reiki Classes;

Houston Reiki:

San Antonio Reiki classes;


San Antonio Reiki classes;

Birmingham Reiki classes;

Charleston, SC; 

Augusta, GA Reiki classes. 


We also offer Reiki trainiung via Zoom classes; Please visit website for info and registration. 

Healing Today Reiki Home Page:,-Texas

Street Address

Houston, TX 77010


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