Surya Kriya Isha Hatha Yoga

Contact Name:
Isha MKE
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Things to do near Kenosha, WI » Activities » Lifestyle

“Surya Kriya is a powerful process of activating the solar power within you.”- Sadhguru
“Surya” means “sun,” and “kriya” means “inner energy process”. This gentle 21- step process is a way of aligning yourself with the sun, the basic powerhouse for this planet. Surya Kriya activates the solar plexus to raise the samat prana, or solar heat, in the system. It balances a person’s left and right energy channels, leading to stability of the body and stillness of the mind.


  • Balances the body, mind, and energies.
  • Rejuvenates all the major organ systems and balances hormonal levels.
  • Supports one to become meditative and experience peacefulness and joy.

Physical Intensity: Moderate Practice Duration: 30+ Minutes
No previous experience of yoga required
Designed by Sadhguru and conducted by a trained teacher

Kemper Center,
6501 3rd Ave,
Kenosha, Wisconsin, US, 53143

USD 225
Saturday, July 20th, 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday, July 21st, 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

 Click here to register for Surya Kriya

Street Address

6501 3rd Ave.
Kenosha, WI 53143


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